Oh was I mad. Oscar or Sunny (who knows which one) got up in the only windowsill that is completely covered in plants and proceeded to knock down my pineapple and my burro's tail!! Burro's tail is so fragile that all the little tear drops fall off when they are touched!! Luckily enough remained on the plant so it doesn't look like total crap. Damn cats!!!!! What a mess though! All over my washer and dryer and behind them and on top of their litter box which is just behind the wall there. Ugh.

The Pineapple doesn't look quite as perky as it used to. They have knocked it down a few times but it usually lands in the laundry basket I usually have there...usually.

The burro's tail landed on top of the pineapple so only a few stalks got stripped. I think I can just make more of them from the teardrops. Oh well they needed repotting anyway...