Tuesday, July 25, 2006

How Many Cats Can Fit On My Lap??




Sunny is on top...you can see his wonky eye real good here! Aren't they growing up fast??? Sniff...
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This is Oscar. I can tell because he doesn't have wonky eye

This is Sunny. I can tell because his tail has no vertical stripe

Not sure who this is...but he's a cutie! :)

Hmmmm...I think this is Fluffy!
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Monday, July 17, 2006

Feeling Better

Oscar is like this all the time now. He is so relaxed after his operation and they hardly fight at all now! If you try messing with them by rubbing their stomachs they no longer try to maul you!

I like this picture. I am not sure how it happened but he must have moved his head just right when I clicked...
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Hot Kitties

It has been a hot humid weekend and the poor cats have been suffering. I have no air conditioning in most of the house (my bedroom included) which is fine with me but I don't have a fur coat...

Poor Fluffy

Sunny's favorite chair

Oscar prefers the ceramic tile in front of the door! Every time I come inside that way there is some resistance when I open the door!
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Androgenous Zone

On Friday we took the cats to the Green Mountain Animal Defenders in Colchester to get them neutered! They are awesome there and do a great job for only $35 each. That includes shots and neutering. I brought them both at 8:45am and picked them up at 12:30pm. Oscar was livelier than Sunny and tried to get out of his box right off and almost really hurt himself! I let him out after a couple of hours and he tried to walk; the front feet were workin' but the back feet weren't listenin'! It was also 92 degrees that day which is an awful thing if you are trying to recover from "getting your berries chopped off" as Alex put it. They are doing great now though and are definitely much calmer and relaxed. No more peeing on my floor!!!

Ooohhhh my aching berries....

Alex consoles Oscar

Note the lifted tail...

"Do you still have your berries?"
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Monday, July 10, 2006

A Big Fat Mess

Oh was I mad. Oscar or Sunny (who knows which one) got up in the only windowsill that is completely covered in plants and proceeded to knock down my pineapple and my burro's tail!! Burro's tail is so fragile that all the little tear drops fall off when they are touched!! Luckily enough remained on the plant so it doesn't look like total crap. Damn cats!!!!! What a mess though! All over my washer and dryer and behind them and on top of their litter box which is just behind the wall there. Ugh.

The Pineapple doesn't look quite as perky as it used to. They have knocked it down a few times but it usually lands in the laundry basket I usually have there...usually.

The burro's tail landed on top of the pineapple so only a few stalks got stripped. I think I can just make more of them from the teardrops. Oh well they needed repotting anyway...
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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Two Headed Cat!!!!

Will these guys ever stop being cute??
Awwwwwwww!!! A little nibble...
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Smug Fluff

His new favorite summer spot

He's smug coz we won't let the kittens up there! We give em a squirt while he is allowed there. Don't ask why. We don't have an answer!!
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Sleeping Angels...Waking Devils!

Oscar chillin' under my computer desk

Oscar hanging out of his kitty condo

Looks like he fell asleep on his favorite toy!

Sunny snoozin' under the end table
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