Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Vintage Moonshine

Duh, who let the cat out of the bag??

She looks purely evil!!

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Fluffy looking uncharacteristically relaxed

Poor Sunny trying to keep cool on the ceramic tile!

I couldn't help but take this picture it was so funny!!
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Guest Kitty of the Week

Moonshine!! Or "Shoeshine" as Alicia calls her!

She always has her claws ready for action

Isn't she beautiful? Too bad she doesn't have a personality to match!
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The Hottest Day

Yesterday was 90-something degrees with a heat index of over 102 and a wicked humidity level. I have no air conditioning and only one ceiling fan! The poor kitties were cuddling up to the tile all afternoon!

Sunny sprawling

Doesn't seem to faze Fluffers too much

Despite the heat they still find time for brotherly love
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