Friday, February 08, 2008

Fluffy 1, Fluffy 2. Fluffy 1, Fluffy 2.

Fluffy 2 has really come out of his shell. He now is purring, head bonking, and coming to me as soon as he hears me come in. He hasn't slept on the bed yet but he isn't nearly as shy and even goes to Kris now. The only thing he is skittish around is children. Or is that are children. bah. He is a big sweetie and I hope that he will only keep relaxing.

Fluffy 2 lounging on the back of the loveseat

Fluffy 1 reminding me of when Snoopy would do the vulture pose on his doghouse from the Peanuts comics.

1 comment:

Mel~Bulldog said...

Sweeeeeeeeeet : )

I'm glad Fluffy II is doing better. I hope there is more warming up soon enough : )